AI art is a brand new field and we are pushing into new frontiers and learning new things about the possibilities artificial intelligence will bring. With this tool, we can achieve qualities of texture and lighting that seem almost super natural and boarder on what's distinguishable between the real and surreal. This art seems to speak directly to our subconscious minds and evokes feelings that are indescribable, as we struggle to identify and categorize the features that emerge. This conflict between the inability to understand and relate to the image, and the sense that we somehow already know them, can evoke a dream like state. As you look through the art, notice how light plays off of shapes and textures to give them life in an almost super realistic way
Light seems to radiate from what looks almost like a plant or mushroom species.
People who have a had profound psychedelic experiences seem to identify with and recognize the shapes, colors and patterns they see in this artwork. This is not a coincidence. The AI models used to create these images were trained on huge datasets of images and meant to classify the world we live in into categories. This means that through training they had to learn a way of visually breaking the world around us down into subsets of more interpretable patterns. What we see in this art is more than just something that “looks cool”. I believe we are getting a glimpse at deeper existence of a geometry of shapes and patterns that exists in the world all around us, but that our conscious minds may be unconditioned to recognize in our normal cognitive state
These patterns and shapes are completely generated by an AI algorithm and they can be seen emerging from the art in many different forms.
What happens when we show an AI model millions of images and ask it to learn to categorize the world we live in? What underlying geometry of patterns and structure will it learn? This is AI generated art, a reflection of our world, and a glimpse into what lies beneath the surface.